결제 완료 후, 구매내역에서 7일 간 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다. (기한 이후 다운로드를 원하실 경우
재구매를 해주셔야 합니다.)
디지털 상품 특성 상 전자상거래법 제 17조에 의거하여 구매 이후에는 어떠한 사유로도 교환 및 환불이
The Diamond that cuts through illusion is the last sutra of the World-Honored One.
It contains so much valuable wisdom. Staying in Anathapindika’s garden in the Jeta Grove near Sravasti, the Buddha awakens the Great Integrity. He teaches to break free from ignorance and agony to discover the original nature. He urges to cease rational thinking with serene sensibility and wisdom. The entire composed world is like a dream or an illusion, similar to dewdrops or lightning flashes.
Table of contents.
1. What does the first Dharma talk of being like this mean?
2. Supreme enlightenment.
3. Why has no one in the world ever gotten into nirvana?
4. Nothing to stay.
5. To see the Tathagata.
6. A metaphor for a raft.
7. The utmost perfect enlightenment.
8. Practicing numerous generosity.
9. Dwelling in the peaceful abiding.
10. The majestic land.
11. The best virtue.
12. The vibrations in the scriptures.
13. The merit of wisdom.
14. The mind not dwelling on the form.
15. Empty mind.
16. The teachings of emptiness.
17. The appearance of a Tathagata.
18. The mind at this moment.
19. The mind of a Tathagata.
20. As it is, the true self.
21. Nature has no words.
22. Empty but complete enlightenment.
23. No high and no low.
24. Becoming one with nature.
25. Seeing it the way it is.
26. Intangible energy.
27. There is no beginning and no end.
28. Not getting caught up in virtue.
29. Neither come nor go.
30. One essential teaching.
31. Perception of dharma.
32. Just do it as it is.
Author 'NomadSirius' Introduction.
'Sirius' is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word "Seirios," meaning 'glowing' or 'scorching.' Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I embark on the classic and humanities-inspired 'Nomad' journey. With the aim of introducing the essence of Oriental culture to the West, I am planning to publish a series of 333 eBooks, an English Oriental Humanities Glossary, and an aesthetically pleasing English Fantasy novel.
A series of 333 eBooks.
1. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
2. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2022).
3. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
4. We permeate into The Function of Reason(In English, 2022).
5. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
6. We permeate into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2022).
7. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
8. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2022).
9. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
10. We permeate into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2022).
11. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
12. We permeate into On The Genealogy of Morality(In Engish, 2022).
13. 예수의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023).
14. We delve into Romans(In English, 2023).
15. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 1(In Korean, 2023).
16. East communicates with West 1(In English, 2023).
17. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
18. We delve into The Function of Reason(In English, 2023 Revision).
19. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
20. We delve into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2023 Revision).
21. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
22. We delve into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2023 Revision).
23. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
24. We delve into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2023 Revision).
25. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
26. We delve into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English, 2023 Revision).
27. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
28. We delve into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2023 Revision).
Publication Right.
We delve into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2023 Revision).
ⓒ YH Partners 2022
The Date of Publication. 2023.7.25.
Author. nomadsirius.
Publisher. YH Partners.
The Registration Number of Publisher. 2022000013.
Price of eBook. $7
Address. 20 Landmark-ro, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
E-mail. liberalistkr@gmail.com
ISBN. 979-11-92838-17-5.
This book is copyrighted by the author and YH partners.