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구매 안내
디지털 상품 구매 안내

결제 완료 후, 구매내역에서 7일 간 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다. (기한 이후 다운로드를 원하실 경우 재구매를 해주셔야 합니다.)
디지털 상품 특성 상 전자상거래법 제 17조에 의거하여 구매 이후에는 어떠한 사유로도 교환 및 환불이 불가합니다.

View America as an axis of the world through movie stories(In English, 2023).


Through the historical narrative presented in the film, we gain insights into America, a pivotal force in the world.
The stories of 46 U.S. presidents and 10 movies allow us to delve into the intense conflict between the silver and gold standards throughout American history.
The Roman Empire serves as another pivotal force in the world, with its core bases shifting from Rome to Constantinople (Istanbul) in the Eastern Roman Empire, Frankfurt and Vienna in the Holy Roman Empire, London in England, and Washington in the United States since 751 B.C.
A fierce battle for money, power, and honor ensues over the inheritance of the Roman legal system, involving key players like the Medici family (1382-1743), the Rothschild family, and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The United States, being the first country in the world to adopt a presidential system, faces skepticism from European politicians who believe this political experiment will fail within a few years.
Despite expectations that a strong president may seek extended terms resembling royal politics, the United States establishes itself as a model country for democracy, with the presidential system providing the power to lead the world.
From the first president, George Washington, onwards, a commitment to the constitutional promise of a limited term of office is strictly adhered to, and the presidential system takes root through the peaceful transfer of power via elections.
The primary election system for various political offices prevents the tyranny of bribery and abuse of party power, ensuring a more democratic process.
In contrast to the Eastern style of leadership characterized by boss-type interpersonal relationships, the U.S. presidential system relies on communication with voters to verify one's insight and judgment.

The U.S. Federal Reserve, described as a global central bank created by Jews, is positioned as a temple of modern capitalism on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
It plays a crucial role in determining the economic conditions of the contemporary world, with key figures like Jerome Hayden Powell leading the institution.

I dedicate this book to Beatrice Margarete.

On November 14th, 2023, at the Woo Hak Jae by Nomadsirius.

Table of contents.
Publication Right.
George Washington (1789-1797)_First President.
John Adams (1797–1801)_Second President.
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)_Third President.
James Madison (1809-1817)_Fourth President.
1. Conquest of Paradise (1992) _Directed by Ridley Scott.James Monroe (1817-1825)_The 5th President.
John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)_The 6th President.
Andrew Jackson (1829–1837)_The 7th President.
Martin Van Buren (1837–1841)_The 8th President.
2. Scarlet Letter (1995)_Directed by Roland Joffé.
William Henry Harrison (1841)_9th President.
John Tyler (1841-1845)_10th President.
James K. Polk (1846-1849)_11th President.
Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)_12th President.
3. Last of the Mohicans (1992)_Directed by Michael Mann.
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)_13th President.
Franklin Pierce (1853–1857)_14th President.
James Buchanan (1857-1861)_15th President.
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)_16th President.
4. Wolves and Dances (1990)_Directed by Kevin Costner.
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)_17th President.
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)_18th President.
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)_19th President.
James A. Garfield (1881)_20th President.
5. Gettysburg (1993)_Directed by Ronald F. Maxwell.
Chester A. Arthur (1881-1885)_21st President.
Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)_22nd President.
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)_23rd President.
Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)_24th President.
6. The Godfather (1972)_Directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
William McKinley (1897-1901)_25th President.
Theodore Roosevelt (1901–1909)_26th President.
William Howard Taft (1909–1913)_27th President.
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)_28th President.
7. Once Upon a Time in America (1984)_Directed by Sergio Leone
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)_29th President.
Calvin Coolidge (1923–1929)_30th President.
Herbert Hoover (1929–1933)_31st President.
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945)_32nd President.
8. JFK (1991)_Directed by Oliver Stone.
Harry S. Truman (1945-1952)_33rd President.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)_34th President.
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)_35th President.
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1968)_36th President.
9. Deer Hunter (1978)_Directed by Michael Cimino.
Richard M. Nixon (1969-1974)_37th President.
Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)_The 38th President.
Jimmy E. Carter (1977-1981)_The 39th President.
Ronald W. Reagan (1981-1989)_40th President.
10. World Trade Center (2006)_Directed by Oliver Stone
George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)_41st President.
William Clinton (1993-2001)_42nd President.
George W. Bush (2001-2009)_43rd President.
Barack Obama (2009-2017)_44th President.
Donald Trump (2017-2021)_45th President.
Joe Biden (2021- )_46th President.

Author 'NomadSirius' Introduction.

'Sirius' is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word "Seirios," meaning 'glowing' or 'scorching.' Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I embark on the classic and humanities-inspired 'Nomad' journey. With the aim of introducing the essence of Oriental culture to the West, I am planning to publish a series of 333 eBooks, an English Oriental Humanities Glossary, and an aesthetically pleasing English Fantasy novel.

A series of 333 eBooks.
1. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
2. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2022).
3. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
4. We permeate into The Function of Reason(In English, 2022).
5. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
6. We permeate into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2022).
7. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
8. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2022).
9. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
10. We permeate into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2022).
11. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
12. We permeate into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English, 2022).
13. 예수의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023).
14. We delve into Romans(In English, 2023).
15. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 1(In Korean, 2023).
16. East communicates with West 1(In English, 2023).
17. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
18. We delve into The Function of Reason(In English, 2023 Revision).
19. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
20. We delve into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2023 Revision).
21. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
22. We delve into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2023 Revision).
23. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
24. We delve into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2023 Revision).
25. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
26. We delve into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English, 2023 Revision).
27. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
28. We delve into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2023 Revision).
29. 퇴계退溪, 겸재謙齋, 추사秋史(In Korean, 2023).
30. Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa(In English, 2023).
31. 영화이야기로 세상의 한 축 미국을 읽다(In Korean, 2023).
32. View America as an axis of the world through movie stories(In English, 2023).

Publication Right.

View America as an axis of the world through movie stories(In English, 2023).
ⓒ YH Partners 2022
The Date of Publication. 2023.11.17.
Author. nomadsirius.
Publisher. YH Partners.
The Registration Number of Publisher. 2022000013.
Price of eBook. $15.
Address. 20 Landmark-ro, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
E-mail. liberalistkr@gmail.com
ISBN. 979-11-92838-21-2.
This book is copyrighted by the author and YH partners.

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View America as an axis of the world through movie stories.


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