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결제 완료 후, 구매내역에서 7일 간 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다. (기한 이후 다운로드를 원하실 경우 재구매를 해주셔야 합니다.)
디지털 상품 특성 상 전자상거래법 제 17조에 의거하여 구매 이후에는 어떠한 사유로도 교환 및 환불이 불가합니다.

Approach the Roadmap to Wealth(In English, 2024).

In times of economic transition, changes always occur in three areas.
First, there is a lack of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial spirit, which is crucial to navigate through complex and chaotic times, is in absolute short supply.
Second, the dominant institution shifts from corporations to individuals. What once could only be done by large companies can now be accomplished by individuals.
Third, the dominant actor shifts from the CEO to the individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs create their own systems and work according to the systems they have built.
If one overcomes the intense challenges of the night with entrepreneurship, one can grasp an unprecedented level of wealth and freedom, as well as the meaning of work and life in human history.
What is dangerous is actually safer. The eminent Islamic historian Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) mentioned the concept of 'desert people' in his 'Muqaddimah'. Desert people live apart from the community, dwelling alone. Without city walls, they are always cautiously vigilant in all directions. They protect themselves with only bold courage.
City dwellers, accustomed to success and luxury, indulge in worldly desires. They lack courage due to laziness and complacency. They have an unshakeable belief in the security of the walls surrounding them.
People who allow someone else to design their lives enjoy only minimal freedom. They are assigned clearly defined tasks and roles at work.
On the other hand, those who define and design their own lives tackle complex problems. They demonstrate a high level of competence in the quality of life, freedom, and wealth.
Based on a philosophical understanding of wealth, they amplify the bidirectional feedback mechanism of error and recursion through a roadmap of wealth.

I dedicate this book to Margarete, who is like Beatrice.

On August 19, 2024, in Woohakjae by Nomadsirius.

Table of contents.
Publication Right.
1. Why is the Federal Reserve so focused on the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?
2. What Are the Risks to the Korean Economy Warned by the OECD?
3. Why Did Oil Prices Plummet During the Second Oil Crisis?
4. The biggest risk associated with investing is.
5. Assassination of U.S. Presidents: Why They Were Targeted.
6. How did Germany, on the brink of bankruptcy, nurture its war ambitions?
7. Why did Nixon abolish the gold standard?
8. The reason why Na Guanzhong was obsessed with dumplings _ to Juquanlou.
9. In the confrontation between the Enfield rifle and the musket, who emerged victorious?
10. What were the republican values claimed by the South in the Civil War?
11. The decisive reason for the collapse of the Confederate Army in the Civil War.
12. The impact of hydraulic fracturing on shale oil is significant.
13. The reason Japan lost its semiconductor industry base is as follow.
14. How did the United States recover from the Great Depression?
15. How did Nathan Rothschild make a fortune from the Battle of Waterloo?
16. What are the secrets behind Germany's success in enhancing price and product competitiveness?“
17. Why did the Medici family disappear?
18. The truth about the 1997 financial crisis is as follows.
19. Why Does Inflation Persist Relentlessly? Four Economic Frameworks.
20. Why did Trump abandon the nuclear deal with Iran?
21. Why did the victorious United States from World War II fall into a recession?
22. Could Special Drawing Rights (SDR) replace the dollar?
23. Why did Keynes' proposed supranational currency, Bancor, disappear?
24. Why did the First Division clubs withdraw from the Football League?
25. Reasons for the Fall of Joseon
26. How Did Bismarck Secure War Funds?
27. Why did Wilhelm I appoint Bismarck as Prime Minister?
28. Why did the German Confederation collapse?
29. Why did Napoleon III lose his allies?
30. Why did Hannibal move the battlefield to the Italian Peninsula?
31. How did France pay the 5 billion francs in war indemnity?
32. How did the United States purchase Louisiana for a bargain price?
33. Why did the Netherlands decline?
34. Why was U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr tried for treason and rebellion?
35. How did France pay for the indemnities of the Napoleonic Wars?
36. How did Britain acquire shares in the Suez Canal?
37. Why did the U.S. bimetallic system disappear?
38. What are the main issues in the Lone Star investment dispute?
39. Why did the gold standard and silver standard conflict?
40. How did the Qing Dynasty pay the indemnities from the Sino-Japanese War?
41. Why do the French have a distaste for banks and stocks?
42. What sparked the French Revolution?
43. Who were the forces behind Napoleon’s rise and fall?
44. How did the United States emerge from the economic depression within just one year?
45. The forces that incited the revolution and led the construction of the Panama Canal were:
46. The Mystery Surrounding the Death of President Garfield.
47. How did Japan secure funding for the Russo-Japanese War?
48. How did Israel establish a state in the Palestinian region?
49. Who triggered the hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic of Germany?
Into the United States.
Into the United Kingdom.
Into France.
Into Russia.
Into Germany.
Into China.

Author 'NomadSirius' Introduction.

'Sirius' is the brightest star in the night sky. 
Its name is derived from the Greek word "Seirios," meaning 'glowing' or 'scorching.' 
Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I embark on the classic and humanities-inspired 'Nomad' journey. 
With the aim of introducing the essence of Oriental culture to the West, I am planning to publish a series of 333 eBooks, an English Oriental Humanities Glossary, and an aesthetically pleasing English Fantasy novel. 

A series of 333 eBooks.

1. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
2. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching.
3. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
4. We permeate into The Function of Reason.
5. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
6. We permeate into The Zhuangzi.
7. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
8. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious.
9. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
10. We permeate into The Diamond Sutra.
11. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
12. We permeate into On The Genealogy of Morality.
13. 예수의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.
14. We delve into Romans.
15. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 1.
16. East communicates with West 1.
17. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(개정판).
18. We delve into The Function of Reason(Revision).
19. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(개정판).
20. We delve into The Tao Te Ching(Revision).
21. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.(개정판).
22. We delve into Psychology of the Unconscious(Revision).
23. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(개정판).
24. We delve into The Zhuangzi(Revision).
25. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(개정판).
26. We delve into On The Genealogy of Morality(Revision).
27. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(개정판).
28. We delve into The Diamond Sutra(Revision).
29. 퇴계退溪, 겸재謙齋, 추사秋史.
30. Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa.
31. 영화이야기로 세상의 한 축 미국을 읽다.
32. View America as an axis of the world through movie stories.
33. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 2.
34. East communicates with West 2.
35. 인문학여행으로 세상을 노닐다.
36. Explore the world through humanities travel.
37. 영화이야기로 세상의 한 축 중국을 읽다.
38. View China as an axis of the world through movie stories.
39. MBTI와 음양오행으로 클래식에 몰입하다.
40. Classical Music, MBTI, Yin-Yang Five Elements.
41. 야구와 축구의 숲을 삼국지의 책사와 거닐다.
42. Wander through the forests of baseball and soccer with strategists from the Three Kingdoms.
43. 천문, 풍수, 지리로 세상을 보다.
44. The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography.
45. 돈과 대화하다.
46. Understand the Abstractness and Concreteness of Money.
47. 환타지 소설에 빠지다.
48. Fall in love with Fantasy novels.
49. 부의 경제코드를 읽다.
50. Read the Econmic Code of Wealth.
51. 영화이야기로 영국, 일본, 프랑스를 보다.
52. View England, Japan, and France through their movie stories.
53. 부의 로드맵에 다가서다.
54. Approach the Roadmap to Wealth.

Publication Right.
Approach the Roadmap to Wealth(In English, 2024).
ⓒ YH Partners 2022
The Date of Publication. 2024.8.23.
Author. Nomadsirius.
Publisher. YH Partners.
The Registration Number of Publisher. 2022000013.
Price of eBook. $10.
Address. 393 Incheon tower-daero, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
E-mail. liberalistkr@gmail.com
ISBN. 979-11-92838-43-4.
This book is copyrighted by the author and YH partners.

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고객 센터 1566-5496



Approach the Roadmap to Wealth.


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